Catholic Organisations

Apostolate of the Divine Mercy
Founded: 1987
Apostolate of the Divine Mercy

A group of lay persons who spread the message and devotion to the Divine Mercy, as revealed to Saint Faustina Kowalska.

Archdiocese of Malta
Founded: 60 AD
Archdiocese of Malta

The Archdiocese of Malta is a metropolitan archdiocese of the Latin Church of the Catholic Church in Malta.

Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Founded: 1975, May
Catholic Charismatic Renewal

The aim of the Charismatic Renewal is personal renewal through the knowledge of Christ as supreme Lord of life, whose mission is to reconcile us to the Father by enkindling in us His Holy Spirit.

Christian Life Communities
Founded: 1563
Christian Life Community

The Christian Life Community is an international lay movement of men and women, young and adult, from all types of background, who desire to live more closely with Jesus Christ and participate in His mission.

Communion and Liberation
Founded: 1969
Communion and Liberation

Communion and Liberation is an ecclesial movement whose purpose is the education of its adherents to Christian maturity and collaboration in the mission of the Church in all the spheres of contemporary life.

Focolare Movement
Founded: 1943
Focolare Movement

The Focolare Movement is an international organization that promotes the ideals of unity and universal brotherhood.

Focolare Movement
Founded: 1928, November
Holy Name Society

The primary object of the society is to beget reverence for the Holy Name of God and Jesus Christ; it is also dedicated to making reparations, in particular, for blasphemy, perjury and immorality.

Founded: 1985

The Institute for World Evangelisation -ICPE Mission is a Catholic mission made up of Christians committed to the goal of world evangelisation.

Legion of Mary
Founded: 1936, November 3
Legion of Mary

The aim of the Legion is the glory of God through the personal sanctity of its members, achieved through prayer and work, under the guidance of the Church.

Focolare Movement
Founded: 2006, June

Living In Friendship Together – is the motto of a youth group that was founded by seven members whom together they give their utmost to get to know and entertain other youths like them.

Malta Catholic Action
Founded: 1929, April 5
Malta Catholic Action

Catholic Action is an organisation of lay people who freely commit themselves, as an organic community and in direct collaboration with the Hierarchy, to work for the fulfilment of the general apostolic aim of the Church.

Founded: 1922
Missio Malta

Missio Malta is the Maltese islands branch of the Pontifical Mission Societies and it is the official mission aid agency of the Catholic Church, continuing the mission of Jesus Christ in the world.

Mission Fund
Founded: 1984, April 16
Mission Fund

The Mission Fund was set up with the aim of fostering the missionary spirit in the Maltese Islands and helping missionaries in Third World Countries

Founded: 1929, April 5

The University Students’ Catholic Movement was founded at the University with the aim of training students in their Christian witness at the University.

Neocatechumenal Way
Founded: 1973, October
Neocatechumenal Way

The Neocatechumenal Way is at the service of the Bishops as a form of diocesan implementation of Christian initiation and of ongoing education in faith, in accordance with the indications of the Second Vatican Council and the Magisterium of the Church.

Salesian Co‑operators Association
Founded: 1883
Salesian Co‑operators Association

The Salesian Cooperators (men and women), who although they have no religious vows, follow a vocation to holiness.

Society of Christian Doctrine
Founded: 1907, March 7
Society of Christian Doctrine

The Society of Christian Doctrine (MUSEUM) is an association of lay faithful founded by St. George Preca with the aim of teaching the Catholic faith to children, youths and adults.

Society of Christian Doctrine
Founded: 1860
Society of Ladies of Charity of St Vincent de Paul

Provide help for needy families.

Society of Christian Doctrine
Founded: 1955
Spiritual Family of Charles de Foucauld

Various groups of lay people, priests and religious who aim at following Charles de Foucauld, inspired by the life of Jesus at Nazareth.

Society of Christian Doctrine
Founded: 1945, November 6
Theology Students’ Association

To guide the members in interpreting in God’s light the signs of the times in the Maltese environment.

Society of Christian Doctrine
Founded: 1985, February 27
Voluntary Lay Missionaries

The Voluntary Lay Missionaries founded  under the auspices of the Pontifical Mission Societies to encourage, prepare and help lay people to work in Mission lands.

Society of Christian Doctrine
Founded: 1924
Young Christian Workers and Students

The Young Christian Workers and students are an organised movement of lay people whose aim is to be Christ’s witnesses among their fellow workers and to work hand in hand with the Hierarchy of the Church.
