Megalithic Temples of Malta

The Megalithic Temples of Malta are several prehistoric temples, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, built during three distinct periods approximately between 3600 BC and 2500 BC on the island country of Malta. They had been claimed as the oldest free-standing structures on Earth until the discovery of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. Archaeologists believe that these megalithic complexes are the result of local innovations in a process of cultural evolution. This led to the building of several temples of the Ġgantija phase (3600–3000 BC), culminating in the large Tarxien temple complex, which remained in use until 2500 BC. After this date, the temple-building culture disappeared.

Ġgantija temples

The Ġgantija temples were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980. In 1992, the UNESCO Committee further extended the existing listing to include five other megalithic temple sites. These are Ħaġar Qim (in Qrendi), Mnajdra (in Qrendi), Ta' Ħaġrat Temples (in Mġarr), Skorba Temples (in Żebbiegħ) and Tarxien Temples (in Tarxien). Nowadays, the sites are managed by Heritage Malta, while ownership of the surrounding lands varies from site to site. Apart from these, there are other megalithic temples in Malta which are not included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.



Many of the names used to refer to the different sites carry a link with the stones used for their building. The Maltese word for boulders, 'ħaġar', is common to Ta' Ħaġrat and Ħaġar Qim. While the former uses the word in conjunction with the marker of possession, the latter adds the word 'Qim', which is either a form of the Maltese word for 'worship', or an archaic form of the word meaning 'standing'.

Maltese folklore describes giants as having built the temples, which led to the name Ġgantija, meaning 'Giants' tower'. The Maltese linguist Joseph Aquilina believed that Mnajdra (Arabic: منيدرة) was the diminutive of 'mandra' (Arabic: مندرة), meaning a plot of ground planted with cultivated trees (the same usage is colloquial in Egyptian Arabic today); a less likely derivation is from the Arabic root 'manzara (Arabic: منظرة), meaning 'a place with commanding views.' The Tarxien temples owe their name to the locality where they were found (from Tirix, meaning a large stone), as were the remains excavated at Skorba.

Skorba temple



The temples were the result of several phases of construction from 5000 to 2200 BC. There is evidence of human activity in the islands since the Early Neolithic Period (c. 5000 BC), attested by pottery shards, evidence of fires, and bones. The dating and understanding of the various phases of activity in the temples is not easy. The main problem found is that the sites themselves are evolutionary in nature, in that each successive temple brought with it further refinement to architectural development.

Furthermore, in some cases, later Bronze Age peoples built their own sites over the Neolithic temples, thus adding an element of confusion to early researchers who did not have modern dating technology. Sir Temi Żammit, an eminent Maltese archaeologist of the late nineteenth century, had dated the Neolithic temples to 2800 BC and the Tarxien Bronze Age culture to 2000 BC. These dates were considered "considerably too high" by scholars, who proposed a reduction of half a millennium each. However, radiocarbon testing favoured Żammit's dating. A theory that the temple art was connected with an Aegean-derived culture collapsed with this proof of the temples' elder origins.

Themistocles Zammit

Temple Phases

The development of the chronological phases, based on recalibrated radiocarbon dating, has split the period up to the Bronze Age in Malta into a number of phases. The first evidence of human habitation in the Neolithic occurred in the Għar Dalam phase, in c. 5000 BC. The Temple period, from c. 4100 BC to roughly 2500 BC, produced the most notable monumental remains. This period is split into five phases; however, the first two of these left mostly pottery shards. The next three phases, starting from the Ġgantija phase, begins in c. 3600 BC, and the last, the Tarxien phase, ends in c. 2500 BC.

Ta' Ħaġrat Temples

Maltese prehistoric chronology

(Based on recalibrated radiocarbon dating)
Neolithic Period

(5000-4100 BC)

Għar Dalam Phase 5000 - 4500 BC
Grey Skorba Phase 4500 - 4400 BC
Red Skorba Phase 4400 - 4100 BC

Temple Period

(4100–2500 BC)

Żebbuġ Phase 4100–3800 BC
Mġarr Phase 3800-3600 BC
Ġgantija Phase 3600-3000 BC
Saflieni Phase 3300-3000 BC
Tarxien Phase 3000-2500 BC

Bronze Age Period

(2500–700 BC)

Tarxien Cemetery Phase 2500–1500 BC
Borġ in-Nadur Phase 1500–700 BC
Baħrija Phase 900–700 BC

Ġgantija phase (3600–3200 BC)

The Ġgantija phase is named after the Ġgantija site in Gozo. It represents an important development in the cultural evolution of neolithic man on the islands. To this date belong the earliest datable temples and the first two, if not three, of the stages of development in their ground plan: the lobed or kidney-shaped plan found in Mġarr east, the trefoil plan evident in Skorba, Kordin and various minor sites, and the five-apsed plan Ġgantija South, Tarxien East.

Ġgantija as seen from the west

Saflieni phase (3300–3000 BC)

The Saflieni phase constitutes a transitional phase between two major periods of development. Its name derives from the site of the Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni. This period carried forward the same characteristics of the Ġgantija pottery shapes, but it also introduces new biconical bowls.

Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum

Tarxien phase (3150–2500 BC)

The Tarxien phase marks the peak of the temple civilisation. This phase is named after the temple-complex at Tarxien, a couple of kilometres inland from the Grand Harbour. To it belong the last two stages in the development of the temple plan. The western temple at Ġgantija represents, along with other units in Tarxien, Ħaġar Qim and L-Imnajdra, the penultimate stage in development, that is, the introduction of a shallow niche instead of an apse at the far end of the temple. The final stage is testified in only one temple, the central unit at Tarxien, with its three symmetrical pairs of apses. The Temple culture reached its climax in this period, both in terms of the craftsmanship of pottery, as well as in sculptural decoration, both free-standing and in relief.

Spiral reliefs resembling those at Tarxien once adorned the Ġgantija temples, but have faded to a level where they are only clearly recognisable in a series of drawings made by the artist Charles Frederick de Brocktorff in 1829, immediately after the temples' excavation. The Tarxien phase is characterised by a rich variety of pottery forms and decorative techniques. Most shapes tend to be angular, with almost no handles or lugs. The clay tends to be well prepared and fired very hard, while the surface of the scratched ware is also highly polished. This scratched decoration remains standard, but it becomes more elaborate and elegant, the most popular motif being a kind of volute.

Tarxien Temples

Architecture & Construction

The Maltese temple complexes were built in different locations, and over a wide span of years; while each individual site has its unique characteristics, they all share a common architecture. The approach to the temples lies on an oval forecourt, levelled by terracing if the terrain is sloping. The forecourt is bounded on one side by the temples' own façades, which faces south or south-east. The monuments' façades and internal walls are made up of orthostats, a row of large stone slabs laid on end.

The centre of the façades is usually interrupted by an entrance doorway forming a trilithon, a pair of orthostats surmounted by a massive lintel slab. Further trilithons form a passage, which is always paved in stone. This in turn opens onto an open space, which then gives way to the next element, a pair of D-shaped chambers, usually referred to as 'apses', opening on both sides of the passage. The space between the apses' walls and the external boundary wall is usually filled with loose stones and earth, sometimes containing cultural debris including pottery shards.

The main variation in the temples lies in the number of apses found; this may vary to three, four, five or six. If three, they open directly from the central court in a trefoil fashion. In cases of more complex temples, a second axial passage is built, using the same trilithon construction, leading from the first set of apses into another later pair, and either a fifth central or a niche giving the four or five apsial form. In one case, at the Tarxien central temple, the fifth apse or niche is replaced by a further passage, leading to a final pair of apses, making six in all. With the standard temple plan, found in some thirty temples across the islands, there is a certain amount of variation both in the number of apses, and in the overall length—ranging from 6.5m in the Mnajdra east temple to 23m in the six-apsed Tarxien central temple.

The external walls were usually built of coralline limestone, which is harder than the globigerina limestone used in the internal sections of the temples. The softer globigerina was used for decorative elements within the temples, usually carvings. These features are usually sculpted in relief, and they show a variety of designs linked to vegetative or animal symbolism. These usually depict running spiral motifs, trees and plants as well as a selection of animals. Although in their present form the temples are unroofed, a series of unproven theories regarding possible ceiling and roof structures have been debated for several years.
A diagram of the standard temple layout written in Maltese
A diagram of the standard temple layout written in Maltese
Part of the Kordin III Temple site, with a two-apse design
Part of the Kordin III Temple site, with a two-apse design
A trilithon or trilith is a structure consisting of two large vertical stones (posts) supporting a third stone set horizontally across the top (lintel).
A trilithon or trilith is a structure consisting of two large vertical stones (posts) supporting a third stone set horizontally across the top (lintel).

List of Megalithic Temples

UNESCO sites

Xagħra, Gozo, Malta

Founded c. 3600 BC

Ta' Ħaġrat Temples
Ta' Ħaġrat

Mġarr, Malta

Founded c.3600 – 3200 BC

Temple / Village

Żebbiegħ, Mġarr, Malta

c.4850 BC (earliest remains)
c.3600 BC (temple)

Ħaġar Qim
Ħaġar Qim

Qrendi, Malta

Founded c. 3700 – 3200 BC


Qrendi, Malta

Founded c.3600 – 3200 BC


Tarxien, Malta

Founded c.3250 – 2800 BC

Other sites
Borġ l-Imramma
Borġ l-Imramma

Sannat, Gozo, Malta

Founded c. 4100 – 3000 BC

Borġ in-Nadur
Temple / Fortified Village
Borġ in-Nadur

Birżebbuġa, Malta

Founded c. 2500 BC


Buġibba, St. Paul's Bay, Malta

Founded c.3150 – 2500 BC


Luqa, Malta

Founded c. 3000 –  2500 BC

Kordin III

Corradino, Paola, Malta

Founded c.3700 BC

Temple / Settlement
Ħal Ġinwi

Żejtun, Malta

Founded c.3600 – 3200 BC

Qortin l-Imdawwar
Qortin l-Imdawwar

Baħrija, Rabat, Malta

Founded c.3000 – 2500 BC

Santa Verna
Temple / Village
Santa Verna

Xagħra, Gozo, Malta

c.5000 BC (earliest remains)
c.3400 BC (temple)

Ta' Marżiena
Ta' Marżiena

Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Ta' Raddiena
Ta' Raddiena

Birkirkara, Malta

Tal-Qadi Temple

Naxxar, Malta

c.4000 BC (earliest remains)
c.3300 – 3000 BC (temple)

Temple / Village / Monastery / Fortification

Żejtun/Marsaxlokk, Malta

Founded c.2500 BC


Xemxija, St. Paul's Bay, Malta

Founded c.3400 BC

Xrobb l-Għaġin Temple
Xrobb l-Għaġin

Marsaxlokk, Malta

c. 4000 BC (earliest remains)
c. 3600 – 3000 BC (temple)
